Cara a Cara at The Grady Alexis Gallery. Taller Latino La Prensa Newspaper. New York, February 23rd, 2001The creation of Silvia Gonzales Franco is very unusual. The frozen expressions kept for posterity bring to mind some of those megalithic statues from Isla de Pascua that show a millenary look lost...
El sueno Americano de Silvia Franco
El sueno Americano de Silvia FrancoJulio TovarVALLADOLID – Nueva York exhibe estos días el arte de una joven creadora vallisoletana Silvia González Franco, que abandonó hace ocho años su tierra en busca de nuevos caminos que permitieran dar cauce a toda su capacidad creativa. En su particular ‘sueño americano’, que...
EL arte de saber escuchar la madera
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You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You’ll be more than appreciated of such feature!
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